Once asbestos has been identified by our team it is crucial that personnel and occupants in your building are not exposed to air-borne asbestos fibres which are extremely dangerous. We offer a complete soft strip service which will be carried out after the asbestos is removed, this means during the redevelopment or demolition of a building we can manage it professionally.
The process of asbestos removal can be costly, once it’s been fully removed, we can offer a Soft Strip service from our fully competent asbestos removal teams. We have found this has proved invaluable to the retail market, as well as our commercial and industrial clients, where shop and office closure times need to be reduced to a minimum.
Before any refurbishment or demolition works are undertaken a fully intrusive asbestos survey should be carried out to identify the location, type and amount of any asbestos- containing materials (ACMs) within the site, building or property.
Any domestic, industrial or commercial property that may contain asbestos can be quoted for, and our team are professionally trained to remove or abate asbestos safely and without hazard to the occupants.
Demolishing, Abatement – Asbestos Removal Nation Wide and in Essex, London &the South East
Quotations are fully inclusive of Removing and Disposing of Asbestos containing materials.
We also, in particular situations, we may recommend that the asbestos is encapsulated, or sealed, instead of a full Soft Strip, which is a very cost effective way of preventing further risk though as mentioned we will always provide you with suggestions and of course you will be left with records of our surveys and assessments. This means that if the materials are ever likely to be disturbed then Landlords, management or future owners of the property are aware of the issues contained within the building.
By encapsulating (clinical sealing) instead of removing we are able to ensure that fibres contained in asbestos are not airborne and are no longer dangerous to the occupants in the building.
Please feel free to call us on 01375 800617 / 07506 758935 for our quality trained professionals for further information and you will benefit from the use of an expert company with years of expertise in removal, reinstatement and demolishing of asbestos-affected buildings.